By now you will all have received your invitation and the relevant papers, either by email or post, to the 75th Annual General Meeting.
To see the invitation to the meeting and luncheon is on the BRA Website please click on the link below.
QR-Bill BRA AGM 2022
You will also find a link for the QBP’s for Romandie-West and the North-East, on the individual event page, the link will open a PDF with the correct event QR-code for prepayment.
In December 2021 we sent out an official letter asking you to pay your yearly subscription for 2022.
The result was astounding and by February most of you had paid in.
As this proved to be such an effective means we will be repeating it in once again this December.
For those members not yet paid up for 2022 you will be receiving a ¨personal¨ reminder in the next few weeks.
What a wonderful year this will be for the Queen to celebrate her Platinum Jubilee.
In the month of June your local Regions have organised for you the QBP – Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.
On behalf of the British Residents’ Association a letter of congratulations has been sent to the Queen.
All six regions of the BRA have organised different events for you over the summer, please look around at the events offered in the various regions.
You can also attend any of the events wherever they are and where you can enjoy meeting up with other Members in different Cantons.
Angela S. Meier-Jones
BRA Chairwoman