British Residents’ Association of Switzerland

Living in Switzerland – GOV.UK update

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Welcome / Older News / Living in Switzerland – GOV.UK update

Living in Switzerland. UK Govt Update 18 Jan 2019

Attached is the latest update to the UK Embassy’s notice about Living in Switzerland.
This bears reading because it has important (good) news about citizens’ rights for UK citizens living in Switzerland. 
There will be no change to the rights and status of UK nationals living in Switzerland while the UK remains in the EU. The UK has reached an agreement with Switzerland which protects the rights of UK and Swiss nationals who have chosen to call each otherʼs countries home.
This agreement also applies in a ‘no dealʼ scenario.The Ambassador told us on Wednesday that the Embassy is working with the Swiss Government to ensure that the details of the agreement are known at canton and local level throughout Switzerland.
However, in its notice, the Embassy advises actions which you can take to save yourself administrative difficulties.
If you do experience local difficulty, please let myself or the Secretary know so that we can pass the message on.
Graham Robertson
National Chairman
18 January 2019