British Residents’ Association of Switzerland

Monthly Luncheon, Conthey (VS)

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Welcome / Monthly Luncheon, Conthey (VS)
Romandie-East Region
Tuesday, 20 August 2024
11 H 30

Tuesday, 20 August 2024
15 H 00

Event Venue

Rue du Collège 30, CH-1964 Châteauneuf – Conthey

Thank you for your event registration. The event organiser will send you a confirmation email, to confirm your reservation.

The Ristorante – Pizzeria Portofino “Chez Rocco” is happy to welcome us on the third Tuesday of each month.

Pay for what you consume.
Menu of the day CHF 17.- (starter and main dish)
You can also choose from their regular menu or enjoy one of their delicious Pizzas, cooked in a wood stove.

The restaurant is very conveniently situated, just 5 to 10 minutes’ walk from the train station of Châteauneuf-Conthey.

There are parking spaces in front and at the side of the building.

Reservations to: Andrew Konecki
Using the Registration Form below or
by the Wednesday before the event please.

Registration Form
Number of participant(s) Name & Surname 1 Date of event Email address Phone number Additional Information

4 Scheduled Dates
Tuesday, 20 August 2024START : 11:30END : 15:00
Tuesday, 17 September 2024START : 11:30END : 15:00
Tuesday, 15 October 2024START : 11:30END : 15:00
Tuesday, 19 November 2024START : 11:30END : 15:00