British Residents’ Association of Switzerland

Monthly Sunday Brunch

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Welcome / Monthly Sunday Brunch
Romandie-East Region
Sunday, 04 August 2024
10 H 30

Sunday, 04 August 2024
13 H 30

Event Venue

Zenhäusern, Avenue Mercier de Molin 2, 3960 Sierre

Thank you for your event registration. The event organiser will send you a confirmation email, to confirm your reservation.

Local Valaisanne Bakery/Tea-Room, Zenhäusern in Sierre “Chez Zen” have agreed to prepare for us a full English breakfast consisting of :-
Fresh orange juice
2 slices of bacon, 2 sausages, 2 eggs, tomato (2 halves), baked beans, mushrooms, toast & butter, coffee or tea, for the price of CHF: 22.-.
Vegetarian option also available 🙂

There is also a huge selection of food and drink to choose from on their regular menu.
Come along and join us for just a drink or something to eat, it’s your choice….

Cost: Pay for what you consume

Reservations to: Andrew Konecki
Using the Registration Form below or
by the Wednesday before the event.

When reserving please fill in the “Additional Information” field, to let us know if you wish to eat an English breakfast or vegetarian breakfast.


Registration Form
Number of participant(s) Name & Surname 1 Date of event Email address Phone number Additional Information

4 Scheduled Dates
Sunday, 04 August 2024START : 10:30END : 13:30
Sunday, 01 September 2024START : 10:30END : 13:30
Sunday, 06 October 2024START : 10:30END : 13:30
Sunday, 03 November 2024START : 10:30END : 13:30