British Residents’ Association of Switzerland


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North-West Region

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Event Venue

Restaurant Teufelhof, Leonhardsgraben 47-49, 4051 Basel

Thank you for your event registration. The event organiser will send you a confirmation email, to confirm your reservation.

The Teufelhof is a renowned guest and cultural center with rooms designed by artists.
They have 33 hotel rooms, a theatre, restaurants Atelier and Bel Etage, bar and coffee, brewery and wine shop.
It is located in the middle of the old town.
Do come and join us for afternoon tea in this delightful old Basel building.

CHF 35.-

Reservations to: Angie Meier-Jones
Using the Registration Form below or
Email: or mobile 079 322 44 52
By Monday, 4 March 2024 please

The number 3 tram will take you directly to the front door.

Registration Form
Number of participant(s) Name & Surname 1 Date of event Email address Phone number Additional Information