Enjoy a scenic day out in Graubünden at Bergün, Rhätische Bahn Station. Visit the Museum, have lunch. Take the model railway tour (option). The trip to Bergün follows the spectacular route from Chur up to the new Albula Tunnel.
Transport: train from Zürich HB 09:38 (or 08:38 for early risers). Arriving in Bergün at 12:13, we will have lunch (we will be in the buffet from 12:00 – 12:30 to welcome attendees) and afterwards move on to the highly informative exhibits. A guided tour of the model railway exhibition runs at 15:00 – it is soon to be extended to a much larger outdoor area adjacent to the station.
Trains back to Zürich are hourly.
Alternatively, the drive is spectacular up the Albula Pass.
Costs: Pay for what you consume
As an option, a night in Spinas – Gasthof Spinas, Val Bever can be added – breathtaking scenery, then take in the Milli Weber Haus, St Moritz or the Segantini Museum, St Moritz on the next day before heading back to Zürich. (Contact Bernard Uttley well in advance please if you want this option).
Reservations to: Bernard Uttley
Using the Registration Form below or
Email: northeast@britishresidents.ch
By Wednesday, 5th June