When registering please indicate if you wish to eat turkey or a vegetarian alternative (Butternut galette).
Pumpkin squash soup with coconut milk, roasted hazelnuts, herbs and
whipped cream
Oven-roasted turkey breast and leg, orange and spice sauce,
Roast potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts, candied chestnuts and cranberry
Dessert aux fruits
Christmas cake with coffee or tea
Vegetarian: It is possible to replace the meat with a Butternut galette
Date: Wednesday, 11th December 2024
Time: 12:00 for 12:30
Place: Hôtel Alpes et Lac, Place de la Gare 2, 2000 Neuchâtel
Cost: CHF 75.–. BRA Members . CHF 85.–. Guests. All-inclusive
Reservations to: Helen Stoeckli-Evans
Using the Registration Form below or
Email: central@britishresidents.ch
By Friday, 29th November 2024 please
Please pay cash on the day (No shows will be charged)