British Residents’ Association of Switzerland


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Romandie-East Region

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Event Venue

The Freddy Mercury Statue, Place du Marché, Montreux

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A walk along the Montreux lakeside with Bertrand Nanchen, retired Head Gardener of the commune of Montreux. He will describe the plants, trees, flowers, garden design, and answer questions on how Montreux plans its green spaces, roundabouts etc. 

This event will be of great interest to those members who love gardening, and have an interest in exotic trees, and plants. The lakeside walk in Montreux is internationally known for its beautiful flowering borders, and exotic trees from all over the world. It is classified as one of the most picturesque walks in Switzerland.

M. Nanchen is a well known horticulturist with a vast knowledge of Switzerland’s flora and fauna. The tour talk will be in French, but there will be translators available. The maximum length of the walk will be 1km. The group is limited to a maximum of 10 persons.

Those who would like to come just to the lunch are most welcome.

Date:    Thursday, September 12th. 2024
Time:    10.30 to 11.45. The walk will last 50 minutes and there will be time for questions afterwards
Place:   The Freddy Mercury Statue, Place du Marché, Montreux
Lunch:  Restaurant au Parc, Grand Rue 38, 1820 Montreux, 12.15-14.00
Cost:     CHF 10 to participate in the walk; Pay for what you consume at lunch

Reservations: Andrew Konecki
Using the Registration Form below or
By Friday, 6th September 2024 please


Registration Form
Number of participant(s) Name & Surname 1 Date of event Email address Phone number Additional Information