Set in the picturesque Vaud region near Lake Geneva, this four-star hotel offers an idyllic retreat with stunning view of the Alps and the Jura mountains. Our “after lunch speaker”, Jacqueline de Chollet, was born in Paris and spent her childhood in Fribourg where she discovered the contradictions of a Catholic and misogynistic society, but one open to the world. She founded the
Global Foundation of Humanity in the United States in 1994, which finances several projects, including Veerni, in India. She was also instrumental in setting up the Foundation Veerni in Switzerland in 2017, whose mission is the Veerni Project. Through those two foundations, Jacqueline helped found the Veerni Institute, which gives child brides and other girls in northern India a chance for further education.
Velouté de légumes de saision
Suprême de volaille, jus court, écrasé de pommes de terre et poêlée de
légumes du moment
Vacherin glacé vanille et fruits rouges
Risotto de légumes de saison
Please mention if you would prefer the vegetarian menu.
Date: Thursday, 6th March 2025
Time: 12:00
Place: Everness Hotel & Resort, Ch. des Champs-Blancs 70B, 1279 Chavannes-de-Bogis
Cost: CHF 60.–. All inclusive with drinks
Reservations to: Pam Walsh
Using the Registration Form below or
By Thursday, 27th February 2025 please