British Residents’ Association of Switzerland


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North-East Region

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Event Venue

Rigi Kulm Station

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Experience wonderful views, fascinating food, and the fabulous historic rolling stock of the Rigi Mountain Railway. Together with a great scenic circular trip by train, cog railway, cable car and boat (optional). The flowers (late spring up here) should be sensational. The restaurant garden is home to 200+ herbs and spices.

Time: a) from Goldau Rigi Station, 10:08 to Rigi Kulm. b) from Vitznau, 10:15 to Rigi Kulm.
Meet: Rigi Kulm Station 11:00.

From here a short walk to the Rigi Vantage Point, then a gentle stroll down to Rigi Staffelhöhe station where we find the Restaurant Edelweiss for lunch. After lunch you have a choice of options, return to Goldau and then home. Or, walk across Rigi – Rigi Kräbbel cable car then down to Goldau Station. Alternatively choose your route by train to Vitznau, then boat to Lucerne, then home.

Cost: Spartagesbillet SBB covers the cost of all transport – at present CHF 44.—with Halbtax, CHF 52.—full-price.

Lunch: pay for what you consume

Reservations to: Bernard Uttley
Using the Registration Form below or

By Wednesday, 8th May to enable the organiser to book seats together in the train on the upward leg and reserve seats in the Restaurant

Registration Form
Number of participant(s) Name & Surname 1 Date of event Email address Phone number Additional Information