The 70th Annual General Meeting and Spring Luncheon of the British Residents’ Association of Switzerland was held on 13 May at the Hotel Le Warwick in Geneva.
The AGM achieved exactly what it is all about, bringing people together, enjoying the moment, renewing friendships and discussing the past and future of our Association. It is not always possible for Members to attend all events so it is really rewarding at the AGM to see that the regions are so well represented by those Members travelling from all the corners of Switzerland. The Council would like to thank all who managed to attend as this is the highlight of our year where we elect the Council members, report on our financial situation and air any thoughts or ideas which would benefit us all.
Graham Robertson’s Chairman’s Report provided a precise but light- hearted look into what we had achieved in the past year, what had changed and what we were reviewing. This was followed by a well-received report from the Treasurer, Peter Payne (who unfortunately could not be present), which highlighted the need for more income and financial discipline. These reports led to wide-ranging discussion concerning the future of the Bulletin, membership fees, and the questionnaire. (If you have not yet completed it, please do send it in as the feedback is of great importance to help in running of the Association and what you, our Members, would like to see happening). The elections saw all current and co-opted Councillors elected.
Following the AGM, we retired for the apero and luncheon and to hear our guest speaker. Ed Girardet is a Swiss-American journalist, editor, author and adventurer, co-founder of the Media Action International Foundation and publisher of Global Geneva (copies of which he gave out). His extremely interesting talk on the need for good, honest, factual, (print) journalism to counter the inadequacies of social media and the need to educate journalists and the younger generation on how to analyse “news” gave us a lot to think about. We will now be reading the news with more care!
A big thank you goes once again to our Secretary, Noreen Lucas, who works long hours organizing these events while managing not only to keep the daily BRA business but also the Council and Chairman on track!
Angie Meier-Jones