British Residents’ Association of Switzerland


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Welcome / Past Events / All Past Events / Romandie-West Region / AN INFORMAL LUNCH AT THE GUILLAUME TELL, COMMUGNY

The snow had long melted, the sun shone and a hint of spring lay in the air. We had indeed chosen the date well in reserving this ancient hostelry for RW Region’s first 2019 social gathering, held on 20 February.

Whilst health and other reasons reduced the initial 29 reservations, 21 Members and their guests from various parts of Switzerland and neighbouring France joined together in partaking of a traditional regional lunch, supported by local wines from La Cote. Not even delays caused by a demonstration of “les gilets jaunes” in Geneva deterred our brave members from arriving in this Vaudois village.

It was a particular pleasure for us to welcome Mr Andreas Stricker, a member of the Fondation Arquebuse, who gave us a fascinating talk on the origins, traditions and on-going activities of the Arquebuse and similar historical associations existing within various Cantons. Cantonal histories record how much more volatile life had been prior to the formation of the Swiss Confederation and the notably stable political, economic and social environment in which we now live.

Finally, a big “MERCI” goes to Mr & Mrs Nuara for kindly opening their cosy restaurant and preparing an excellent meal especially for our group.

Alan Baker